Legal Layman
Politics • Education • Law & Crime
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Live chatted 05/20/2023
First Post

Welcome to the Locals, if you're here, and if you're supporting me. Thank you immensely for following my YouTube, Rumble, Locals, or if you bought Tea using my code. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for any amount of time you've given me. I hope to be worthy of your continued support. If I gain enough out of this. I'll make things more catered to the active supporters.

Thank you,

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Live Chat
Deep Dive Into Texas House Members, Who Are They?

3PM CST, going to do that thing I tried to do yesterday, and talk about the Texas House Members. Had some sound difficulty, and it killed my flow. Hope to see you guys there
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Live chatted 06/20/2023
Rest of Yesterday News, and Deep Dive Into Texas House Members

3PM CST going live to talk about the rest of my news topics for Sunday, and then doing a deep dive into the Texas House of Representative members. Maybe Senate if I'm fast enough.
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General News, Stuff in Texas, Michigan, Minnesota, and Whatnot

3PM CST, I'm gonna do some general news coverage. I'll explain why the Senate Committees didn't work out at that time. I'll see you guys there.
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